SEP 24, 2023
Schönberg's "Gurre-Lieder"
Angelika Bohn - Thüringer Allgemeine
At the end, 400 singers and musicians praised the new day. Voices and sounds surged in huge waves through the hall, gripping and enveloping the audience. Everyone certainly feels that in these moments that they are experiencing something precious and wish to stop the time. However, Gabriel Bebeselea, the magnificent monarch of this musical journey, meandering between deep longing, intense pain, and radiant joy, lowers his baton. And the audience responds with cheers and standing ovations.
MAR 23, 2023
PKF-Prague Philharmonia
Daniel Janz - klassik-begeistert.de
Rarely has one heard Dvořák’s Ninth so sharp and fiery in its original form. No matter how hard one may search, real weaknesses cannot be found in this orchestra. And the young conductor Gabriel Bebeşelea from Romania does not show any flaws either, but presents a fantastic performance, which is ultimately congratulated with thunderous applause, to which the audience rises almost as one and downright celebrates all the artists. That was truly fabulous, almost perfect, what they have presented.
May 31, 2023
"Manon Lescaut" at the Slovenian National Theater in Maribor
Ivana Maricic - Kritika Magazine
The crown of the successful final performance was the conductor Gabriel Bebeşelea, who obtained enthusiasm, strength ands singing from the orchestra, the likes of which we have not yet experienced in the current season
OCT 23, 2022
Ulster Orchestra
Leighton Jones - Bachtrack
Bookending the Grieg were two pieces by György Ligeti whose 1951 Concert Românesc began the evening. Despite being an early work, it wasn’t premiered until 2000, having been banned. Tonal in nature, this curious work set a high bar for the rest of the evening. The folk melodies were given very different characters from Bebeşelea, with vivid colour changes and different rhythmic energies, this work came alive evocatively, almost dancing.... During the interval, the audience were requested to set off 100 metronomes (lent by Bebeşelea) arranged along the platform edge for a ‘performance’ of Ligeti’s 1962 Poème symphonique. The metronomes, however, provided the arching link with Beethoven’s succinct Eighth Symphony. Bebeşelea showed an affinity here, stressing its rhythmic and motivic nature. The four vivacious movements brimmed with energy and the UO sounded radiant in the hall’s acoustic. Some of Bebeşelea’s orchestral balances had a quirkiness about them, emphasising the winds and brass especially.
SEP 26, 2020
Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Frederik Hanssen - Der Tagesspiegel Berlin
Weber’s Symphony No. 1 in C major - an ideal piece for Gabriel Bebeselea, who tonally loves it lush and juicy, and who also possesses the Kapellmeister quality to be able to inspire the musicians for 1b works. An inner glow emanates from the Konzerthausorchester on Friday, melody, middle voices and bass fundamentals develop acoustic depth, because each of the participants feels addressed by the maestro, regardless of whether they are currently playing a main or supporting role in this team play.
NOV 24, 2019
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
Chang Tou Liang - Bachtrack
The orchestra, conducted by rising young Romanian conductor Gabriel Bebeșelea, began the concert’s second half with the Asian premiere of George Enescu’s Pastorale-Fantaisie for small orchestra. First performed in 1899, this ten-minute long gem was “lost” until rediscovered by Bebeșelea, who gave its first modern reading in 2017....Then the penny dropped, as this was the young Roma- nian polymath’s tribute to the greatest symphonist of all, Ludwig van Beethoven, whose “Pastoral” Symphony was to follow. This stroke of programming nous was not initially apparent on paper, but totally succeeded in the concert hall. The performance of the symphony was just as good. Conducting from memory, Bebeșelea kept the narrative taut and the music breathing. The litheness and goodly pace resembled period instrument performances but without the wheeziness and thinness of textures.
OCT 15, 2019
Barcelona Symphony Orchestra
Lluis Trullén - Revista Musical Catalana
Good work by the OBC, which maintained the tension and discursive sense of the events, bringing out their melancholy, vehemence, passion and evocation, always with a dramatic background that is the driving force behind the expressive level of the composition. Likewise, full understanding by the direction of Bebeselea, who gave himself to this dense score, making the introspective and poignant sense so typical of the 5th Symphony and “Pathétique” emerge, always relying on the richness of Tchaikovsky’s unmistakable language and constant melodic inspiration, perfectly exposed by the masters of the OBC
MAY 03, 2019
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Dominic Lowe - Bachtrack
Full marks to Gabriel Bebeşelea and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra for originality in the programming of this concert, entitled rather grandly “A Voyage of Invention”. Using Mozart’s popular Symphony no. 41 in C major as the crowd-pleaser, they filled the rest of the space with interesting and comparatively rarely performed works: George Enescu’s Orchestral Suite no. 2 in C major, Saint-Saëns’ Violin Concerto no. 3 in B Minor and Ciprian Porumbescu’s Ballade for Violin and Orchestra. Bebeşelea, making his debut with the RPO, is currently Principal Conductor of the Transylvania State Philharmonic Orchestra and his facility with the music of his country is clear to see.
The Enescu is a piece full of life and it is to be regretted that it does not receive more outings... Bebeşelea brought a warm bustle to the opening Overture and real colour to the gypsy-like Sarabande. The rather ponderous Menuet grave was given heft by the brass, underlain by rather glitzy strings. The great virtue of Bebeşelea’s interpretation was the care with which the folksy elements of the work were brought out and gently textured.
JAN 19, 2019
Ulster Orchestra
Leighton Jones - Bachtrack
Describing the work as a “confession of the soul” by the composer, Sibelius’ Symphony no. 2 in D major is a full of extremes of emotion, which Bebeşelea clearly understood...Bebeşelea was consistently clear in his direction and the highly articulate playing featured prominent brass and woodwind lines. The second movement was perhaps one of the darkest renditions I’ve encountered. Although acknowledged as being based around Don Juan, the poetry of Walt Whitman came to mind, such as "On the Beach at Night Alone", as what appeared was a moody and atmospheric nightscape. The range of expression here was remarkable as each phrase was shaped like raising and crashing waves, each one different and unpredictable. Whether or not it was Bebeşelea’s intention to create such a picture in the mind’s eye, it was musically captivating and emotionally driven with effective rubato.
The Ulster Orchestra’s playing was first rate and the players followed Bebeşelea’s every direction….What Bebeşelea has done is made me re-examine overly familiar repertoire and listen with fresh ears and renewed interest, which is no bad thing."
SEP 02, 2018
"George Enescu" Philharmonic Orchestra
Nona Ropotan - Bookhub.ro
Warm, extremely attentive to the stage partners, he conducts the orchestra firmly, letting the love for music and the respect for those who have composed it pass through with every gesture. I do not think there is a concert of Gabriel Bebeşelea that does not stick to your soul, but “Poème Roumain" from the evening of the 1st of September will remain as memorable. With the choir placed in the back of the hall and an orchestra eager to impress, Gabriel Bebeşelea knew how to mediate the relationship between musicians and viewers, so that the music would win. Raising on his tiptoe, dancing when Romanian folklore rhythms were heard, imposing categorically rhythm ruptures when it was necessary, but above all natural, of an overwhelming naturalness - in other words: Gabriel Bebeşelea.
It is amazing how he penetrates into the composer's mind and how he manages to give value and personality to each musical note and phrase. Gabriel Bebeşelea is a very good explorer and a great lover of people, and when these qualities meet with love for music, we are dealing with a great musician. And I can only feel privileged when I listen to him live.
NOV 02, 2018
Strigoii - Album Review
Richard Bratby - Gramophone
The surprisingly peppery Pastorale fantaisie of 1899 – which also appears to be a first recording – receives a full-blooded performance. If you’re already an Enescu fan, you needn’t hesitate.
SEP 23, 2018
Strigoii - Album Review
Dr. Ingobert Waltenberger - Onlinemerker.com
The Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, under the impressive musical direction of Gabriel Bebeşelea (since 2016/17 Chief Conductor of the "Transylvania" State Philharmonic Orchestra), thrilled from the first moment with an atmospherically dense orchestral performance that captivated the listener. Bebeşelea, who also attracted attention in Pesaro as the conductor of Rossini's "Il Viaggio à Reims" [...], gives "Strigoii" another calling card for his outstanding musical and dramatic talent.
FEB 05, 2018
Würth Philharmoniker
Leonore Welzin - Heilbronner Stimme
A wonderful give and take between conductor, soloist and orchestra": the audience is full of praise during the break. From the selection of the pieces, to the performers, to the program, everything was right at the Würth Philharmonic's latest concert with star violinist Sarah Chang and up-and-coming conductor Gabriel Bebeșelea…The kick-off is done by Aldemaro Romero’s “Fuga con Pajarillo”, showpiece of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra, Gabriel Bebeșelea (1987) presents the powerful piece of rhythm, passion and melancholy, though with youthful verve, but more soulful tasting the soft tones than the much acclaimed Gustavo Dudamel (1981).
AUG 15, 2016
“Il Viaggio a Reims” at the
G. Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro
Thomas Molke - Online Musik Magazin
The event is rounded off by the accurate performance of the Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini under the baton of Gabriel Bebeşelea, who leads the orchestra through the multi-faceted score with a sure hand, so that in the end, there is a big round of applause for everyone involved."